A Global Pandemic: 1 year later
February 7, 2021 at 9:00 AM
by Nedgie Paul
2021 written on a wooden background with masks.

I thought this would be over by now, but we are really still in the middle of a Global Pandemic. The US had its first case on January 21st of 2020 and it got WORSE! So bad, in fact, that we entered “uncontrollable” spread. I am TIRED of Miss Rona. I want to freely live my live my life again. I want this to be over or under control by the summer but I definitely said that last summer so we will see.

I won’t bore you with too much of my political opinions, but the last presidential administration failed. Horribly. Astronomically. So much so that 400K people and counting have died because of it. There was truly no structure and no plan. Just vibes and lies. Given a Pandemic that affected lives on a global scale, there was always going to be damage done and lives lost but it did not have to be this bad and it is shown by the way other countries decided to handle the situation. That man and his entire administration did not care, and it shows.

What I fear the most is this becoming the “new normal”. I want us to work towards eradicating this virus as much as possible instead of adapting to it as a new integrated part of our lives. I want the people who govern this country to care about the people they serve enough to want the same thing. However, with that being said, there are some things that have come out of this that are actually amazing and should not change at all. I think sick people should be forced to stay home from work for at least a week if the job allows it. I feel like masks should still be worn in certain public spaces (trains, airplanes, busses). And I’m glad so many people learned the importance of washing their hands yet slightly concerned about why they were not doing it before. I also love that people don’t stand so close to each other anymore. Everyone has finally learned how to back tf up and I love it! I love that for you all.

And personally, I’m a huge fan of working from home. I literally love it. I love it so much that my company is going to have to drag me by my toes to get me to go back into an office again Monday- Friday. I honestly also love the convenience of doing school from home as well. But I do miss interacting with others. I would not mind having to go to work once a week for meetings/ group activities, etc. Nothing more than once though because anything more is a little excessive.

I have also gotten really comfortable being alone. I have learned a lot about myself.

I really love hanging out with me. We have so much fun together, me and I. But in all seriousness, this panoramic has really helped me drown out the noise and spend time really getting to know myself. It gave me an opportunity to slow down and figure out who Nedgie Paul is, as weird as that may sound, and she is dope asf.

If you have stuck around to this point. I really appreciate you. What I have been most grateful for during this Panasonic, is that I have gotten to spend so much time with my family. I know I mentioned this in my previous pandemic blog but I am so thankful for the extended time that I have gotten to spend with my family. I really like them and many things that used to annoy me don’t anymore. I think they are amazing human beings. This pandemonium made me literally stop and get to know them in a different light and I am forever grateful.

I don’t know when this personal pan pizza will be over, but I am ready for it to go. But despite all the inconveniences, death, and destruction it has brought to us, there were still things that I was able to appreciate as a result. I hope everyone is staying safe and I really hope Miss Rona packs her bags soon because I got things to do.